Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Main and Multi Output View Screen

The MAIN/MULTI tab has a very similar View screen to the input channels.  Here you can activate and deactivate the channels, view meters, adjust levels, add an EQ, a dynamic processor, delay - and so forth.

The only difference is the SOURCE section at the bottom.  On input channels, these are your AUX and GROUP sends, but on the output channels, these allow you to view and change your channel source selection.

Take the imagine above for example.  Here, users are able to assign their channel inputs (from one to 16) to the main mix, just by touching the onscreen icon.  Users can also assign any of the 8 group mixes to the main mix (AUX mixes can only be assigned to the Multi outputs).  All of these "To Main" sends can of course be activated in the channels' own view screens, but having everything available on one screen like this obviously makes all the difference.

In fact, if you wanted to jump straight to this screen, you need only push the select button for the main mix on the mixer itself.  Piece of cake!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How/where are the AUX mixes assigned to the Muti outputs?